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Java How to Program (6th Edition)

12,00 USD
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  • Java How to Program (6th Edition)

    The Deitels' groundbreaking How to Program series offers unparalleled breadth and depth of programming concepts and intermediate-level topics for further study. The books in this series feature hundreds of complete, working programs with thousands of lines of code. 

    This edition is completely up-to-date with The Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) 1.5. Now includes topics such as autoboxing, enumerations, enhanced for loops, static importstatements, variable-length argument lists, and much more. Presents each new concept in the context of a complete, working program, immediately followed by one or more windows showing the program's input/output dialog. Enhances the Live-Code Approach with syntax coloring. 

    Provides Helpful Programming Tips, all marked by icons: Good Programming Practices, Common Programming Errors, Error-Prevention Tips, Performance Tips, Portability Tips, Software Engineering Observations, Look and Feel Observations. Includes CD-ROM with every book that contains JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition 1.5, Netbeans, Apache Tomcat, JCreator LE version, jEdit, jGRASP, BlueJ, MySQL, source code for all the book's examples, and Hyperlinks to valuable Java demos and Internet resources. A valuable reference for programmers and anyone interested in learning the Java programming language. 

    Product details

    • Series: How to Program
    • Paperback: 1568 pages
    • Publisher: Prentice Hall; 6 edition (August 14, 2004)

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