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dsPICDEM Starter Demo Kit w/plugin - DM300016

120,00 USD + KDV
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  • dsPICDEM Starter Demo Kit w/plugin - DM300016


    The low-cost dsPIC®MCU Starter Demo Kit allows the user to easily validate a development tool setup using the dsPIC30F. It has a power supply regulator, crystal oscillator, ICD header, serial port, LEDs, push-buttons, potentiometer, and a prototyping area. In addition, all pins on the dsPIC device are brought out to a terminal block for access.



    Key features of the dsPICDEM Starter Demonstration Board include:

    • 5V power supply split at the regulator to provide a separate, de-coupled analog supply voltage useful in designs taking advantage of the 12-bit A/D converter.
    • Analog peripherals including an MCP41010 digital potentiometer used as a DAC to generate signals, and a MCP6022 to provide output filtering for the DAC and an input filter for the 12-bit A/D. The filter cutoff frequencies are set to 4 KHz to allow telephone-quality signals.
    • The dsPICDEM starter board is delivered with a demo application that uses the digital potentiometer to generate audio tones. This output can be connected into the 12-bit ADC for measurement.


    Package Contents

    • dsPICDEM Starter Demonstration Board
    • Documentation on CD


    Host System Requirements

    • PC-compatible system with an Intel Pentium®class or higher processor, or equivalent
    • A minimum of 16 MB RAM
    • A minimum of 40 MB available hard drive space
    • CD ROM drive
    • Microsoft Windows®98, Windows NT®4.0, Windows 2000 or Windows XP



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